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Free Wi-Fi

Independent Bible Church is pleased to allow wireless connections to the internet. In support of its mission, to exalt God by Making, Maturing, and Mobilizing Christ-like disciples, Independent Bible Church encourages access to technology and information resources.

To connect to our Wi-Fi, all you need is a valid email address. On your mobile device or laptop connect to the network labeled: IBC_Guest. Once you connect, launch your web browser and go to any website. You will automatically redirect to a page prompting you to enter your email address. Once you enter a valid email address click Accept. You are now connected!

The use of Independent Bible Church’s network resources is a privilege, not a right. Independent Bible Church reserves the right to revoke user access without notice.

Before you can gain access to Independent Bible Church’s network, you must accept the Terms of Use laid out in IBC’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP.) Click the link bellow to view the Acceptable Use Policy.

Click here to view IBC's AUP.

Independent Bible Church filters web sites believed to be inappropriate. However, no filtering system is perfect. Independent Bible Church cannot and does not represent that inappropriate or objectionable material can be completely filtered. Be aware all activity is monitored and recorded for your safety.

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